
Support in School

SSSC provides a caring and supportive environment giving pupils the opportunity to succeed, gain in confidence and improve their self-esteem. Our curriculum has been adapted to suit our range pupils within smaller class sizes, with five periods throughout the day. 

Pupils in the Primary department are taught in small groups with 1 full time teacher and at least 1 Full time Teaching Assistant. For the majority of their curriculum, they are taught in the same room by the same staff ensuring consistency and the opportunity to develop essential relationships.

Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils within the Cognition pathway are placed in forms that are set mainly as year groups, whilst the Nurture classes are mixtures of years.  All pupils are streamed by ability for Maths and English across both pathways, however Cognition pupils are taught as a form for the majority of their curriculum. Morning sessions are primarily academic with afternoon sessions being specifically designed to provide a more vocational focus. In Key Stage 4 pupils are given the opportunity to achieve a variety of Nationally recognised qualifications relevant to individual academic need.


The Hub ASD provision at Swanwick School and Sports College is for 10-12 Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils with an Educational Health Care Plan who have a diagnosis of Autism with which there may be associated complex and/or challenging behaviours. The pupils will be of average ability although most work at below Age Related Expectations (ARE) and will follow the cognition pathway

All of our pupils at SSSC are encouraged to Enjoy, Achieve and Exceed their individual potential-academically, socially and personally. We want them to become successful, confident and caring adults, able to play an active part in society. Our strong commitment to equality of opportunity and equality of esteem is intended to ensure that all pupils have a wider variety of opportunities including cultural capital, regardless of ability, aptitude or background.