2024-2025 |
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Topic focus |
Caves to Castles |
Power of Nature |
Farm to Fork |
Travel and Transport |
World of Difference |
Animal Kingdom |
Expressive Arts and Design |
Karen Stamper – collage Percussion development
Vincent Van Gogh – painting Glockenspiels/Garage Band |
Klaus Enrique – Sculpture Country Music Outdoor cooking
Stephane Halleux – photography Production Movement
Leonardo de Vinci – drawing Elvis Presley music and dance Ecology
Angela Harding – printing Instruments from different countries Predators
Understanding the World |
Historical buildings Local map work comparisons of buildings in different countries Properties of materials Places of worship Navigating different devices |
Historical events affected by nature Earthquakes and Volcanoes Electricity Digital photography Why do people pray?
Anglo-Saxons Agricultural industry in Britain Plants E-safety Why is Jesus inspiring to some people? |
Transport inventions Transport around the world, distances and time zones States of matter Beebots and Scratch Why do some people think that life is a journey? |
Significant inventors David Attenborough Sound Combining media
What do different people believe about God? |
Famous Explorers Biomes of the world and climate change. Animals including humans. Representing data Christianity and Hinduism |
Physical Development |
Dance Sports Leadership
Dance Sports Leadership |
Trampolining Fitness |
Trampettes Dance |
OCR Moderation Preparation |
Athletics |
Personal, Social and emotional Development |
Independence skills- food technology Health and Well being, Relationships sex education and Living in the Wider World World of work - Building industry |
Interpersonal skills and friendship Health and wellbeing Relationships sex education and Living in the Wider World Enterprise
Personal skills – time and money Health and Well being, Relationships sex education and Living in the Wider World World of world - Farming industry |
Travel and shopping Health and wellbeing Relationships sex education and Living in the Wider World Transport costs |
Home Management Health and Well being, Relationships sex education and Living in the Wider World
Developing Yourself – budget planning |
Hobbies Health and wellbeing Relationships sex education and Living in the Wider World World of work – Animal care |
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