
PSHE Key Stage 4

PSHE Curriculum for Key Stage 4
PSHE is an essential part of our curriculum and has been specifically designed to cater for the every changing needs of our young people. PSHE is delivered as a standalone lesson once a week but also threaded throughout our curriculum on a daily basis. PSHE is delivered through a spiral approach through three specific topics under the umbrella of PSHE

The three topics have been spilt into:-

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
  • Living in the Wider World

Objectives have been taken from the Derbyshire Healthcare Support Service, the National Curriculum and the PSHE Association. A close collaboration with the School Nurse, SSSC staff and Healthy Schools Awarding body took place to ensure the curriculum is appropriate and relevant for our young people. The curriculum is taught through a spiral approach so the concepts and objectives are being revisited and reinforced throughout the academic year.

The concept of this is so student’s prior knowledge is built on, revisited and enhanced as the students’ progress throughout their education and promoting independent living.

The Primary curriculum has been predominantly taken from a Key Stage 3/4 objectives and split into three sections. Each objective has been carefully written to ensure age appropriate delivery is apparent irrelevant of their baseline. Subjects will be delivered sensitively and through various methods and styles. Prior knowledge will be revisited and consolidated whilst stretching students understanding with an underpinning of independence and keeping safe.

RSE:- Relationships and Sex Education for KS4:
  • Students can name the main parts of the body including major organs in the body.
  • Students can name the sexual body parts of the human body.
  • To understand the function of sexual body parts.
  • To understand positive self image, including body image.
  • To understand human reproduction
  • To understand foetal development and the importance of a healthy lifestyle on it’s development.
  • To recognise personal emotions associated with puberty and identify ways of coping
  • Students can name personal hygiene products and use them appropriatly
  • Know about the importance of personal hygiene
  • To assess understanding of puberty issues and address any gaps in knowledge
  • Understand the importance of and ways of taking increased responsibility for their own personal health and personal hygiene
  • Ability to describe some of the different beliefs and values in society and can demonstrate respect and tolerance towards people different from themselves
  • Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important
  • To appreciate that there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation.
  • To understand that all forms of discrimination or prejudice must be challenged at every level in our lives.
  • Understand the different methods of preventing conception
  • To explore what is meant by the term sexual health
  • To understand the different types of STI, prevention and treatment.
  • To be able to demonstrate correct method of putting on a condom
  • To understand the factors which can affect decision making around sexual activity. E.g. drugs and alcohol
  • To understand the consequences of bullying and devise strategies for preventing and dealing with bullying.
  • To understand what is meant by confidentiality and when to expect it.
  • To know when it is important to break confidentiality e.g. if someone is at risk
  • Identify the reasons for delaying sex
  • To understand sex, the law, age of consent and what consent actually means
  • To understand how young people can be exploited sexually and identify dangers of which they may encounter, particularly online.
  • To be able to identify abusive relationships and understand how to help and support someone who may be experiencing domestic abuse, including themselves.
  • To understand the issues of power and control around sexual relationships.
  • To identify sources of support e.g. family, school, peer support and local services and how to access.
  • To understand how to carry out health checks with testicular and breast examination.
  • Understanding that actions such as FGM constitute abuse and are a crime.
  • To understand some of the qualities important to friendships.
  • Recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships and relationships, and understand their right to physical boundaries.
  • Reflect on what part relationships play in a persons overall identity.
  • To be able to identify our personal acceptable and unacceptable behaviors within a relationship
  • To understand how breakdown in a relationship may occur and the effects of bereavement and loss
  • To understand how relationships change at different ages
  • Develop skills for dealing with unwanted physical contact.
  • To know and restore esteem after it has been damaged.
  • To understand what peer pressure is and how to recognise it and resist it
  • Understand possible differences in the way boys and girls view relationships.
  • Understand about gender differences and stereotyping in sexual relationships.
  • Understand about the range of sexual feelings and some of the myths surrounding sexuality

PSHE:- Health and Well-being for KS4:
  • Have the ability to express, demonstrate and know their positive qualities
  • Have the ability to manage a range of feelings
  • Are able to confidently articulate their understanding of positive and negative feelings
  • Understand the characteristics of mental & emotional health and strategies for managing it.
  • Causes and triggers for unhealthy coping strategies such as self harm and eating disorders and how to recognise when they or others need help.
  • The benefits of physical activity and exercise and the importance of sleep
  • The importance of immunisation and vaccination
  • What constitutes a balanced diet and its benefits (including risks associated with body obesity and dieting)
  • Assess the element of risk attached to making choices in order to stay safe
  • How the media portrays young people ; to recognise its possible impact on body image and health issues
  • To understand and manage risk within the context of personal safety, especially accident prevention and road and cycle safety (Bikeability)
  • To understand how the inappropriate use of mobile phones can contribute to accidents
  • Factual information about legal and illegal substances, including alcohol, volatile substances, new psychoactive substances, tobacco, e- cigarettes, shisha and cannabis.
  • The law relating to the supply, use and misuse of legal and illegal substances
  • The personal and social risks and consequences of substance use and misuse
  • How to access local health services and other sources of support
  • To understand the consequences of the terms dependence and addiction
  • The safe use of prescribed and over the counter medicines
  • Ability to accept helpful feedback or reject unhelpful criticism
  • To recognise that media and peer pressure influence the choices we make including drugs and behaviour
  • Recognise that the way in which we judge others may affect their confidence and self esteem.
  • Recognise their personal strengths and how this affects their self confidence
  • Understand that self esteem can change with personal circumstances such as those associated with family and friendships, achievement and employment.
  • Ability to identify different types of relationships and know ways to maintain good relationships
  • Ability to describe what bullying is and some different types of bullying
  • Ability to confidently discuss the consequences of peer pressure and bullying in different situations and how to respond positively and support others to do so.

Citizenship:- Living in the Wider World for KS4:
  • To know what being part of a community means
  • To recognise the role of voluntary, community and pressure groups, especially in relation to health and wellbeing
  • Know what is meant by enterprise and begin to develop enterprise skills
  • Ability to explain the words discrimination and stereotype
  • Understand what a democracy is and about the basic instructions that support it locally and nationally and how a democratic society works
  • To recognise and challenge stereotypes; and/or family or cultural expectations that may limit their aspirations
  • Ability to recognise a cult and know how it differs from other types of group. How cults recruit and how to seek help if they are worried from themselves or for others
  • To appreciate the range of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom
  • To consider the lives of people living in other places and people with different values and customs.
  • Recognise features of a democratic society, locally and nationally
  • To explore and critique how the media present information
  • Have an understanding of the importance of being careful what they forward to others.
  • How social media can offer opportunities to engage with a wide variety of views on different issues
  • To recognise that social media can also distort situations or issues, can narrow understanding and appear to validate these narrow views
  • Ability to understand why and how rules are made and enforced and why rules are needed in different situations
  • To recognise that they have the same rights to opportunities in learning and work as all other people
  • Know about the laws and by laws relating to young people’s permitted hours and types of employment and how to minimise health and safety risks.
  • To realise the consequences of anti -social, aggressive and harmful behaviors such as bullying and discrimination of individuals and communities.
  • To know that there are some cultural practices which are against British law and universal human rights
  • To understand gambling and its consequences
  • Know about the role money plays in their own and other lives.
  • How to manage their own money and about being a critical consumer
  • To develop an initial understanding of the concepts of interest, loan, debt and tax.
  • To recognise, clarify and if necessary challenge their own core values and how their values influence their choices
  • Have the knowledge and skills needed for setting realistic and challenging personal targets and goals
  • Ability to demonstrate respect and tolerance towards others and resolves differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices.
  • Challenge prejudice and discrimination
  • Ability to identify their own strengths, interests, skills and qualities as part of the personal review and planning process, including their value to future employability and strategies for further developing them
  • Know about different work roles and career pathways, including their own early aspirations
  • About the benefits of being ambitious and enterprising in all aspects of life
  • The importance of protecting their own and other reputations; protecting their online presence; the concept of having a personal brand that can be enhanced or damaged
  • To assess and manage risk in reaction to financial decisions that young people might make
  • Understand the benefits and advantages of doing different jobs
  • Ability to discuss a range of jobs and explain how you would develop skills to work in the future
  • Identity different types of rights and understand that rights can conflict and come with responsibility
  • To know they have different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, school, in the community and towards the environment.
  • Ability to positively contribute to the life of the classroom and school